Tuesday, January 29, 2013

three topics

So we finally picked three topics for the class to write about for the semester. That process was very hard. No one could agree on the same thing. So what we had to do was compromise. At times it seemed that no one wanted to compromise either. In a room with almost twenty people and had very strong opinions about each topic was very frustrating. Then realize that maybe each person should explain why this is a good topic to write about and give ideas about it. That seem to work and we also had to compromise as well. But some people didn't want to compromise at all. After two classes, we got our topics. And our topics are Crime and Punishment, Pop Culture, and Education.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hello Blog

 I am very unfamiliar with this blogging stuff. This is my first time when looking at a blog let alone even writing one. I suppose this will be fun. Writing about topics and discussions from my English should be somewhat easy. The class is very lively. So the work that we have to is somewhat boring like some of my other class. So I hope you guys like my blog. It shall be better once I get the hang of it.